I am anxiously waiting for our vacation coming up in 8 days. I am so very ready for the cooler weather of the upper Michigan area. We love Mackinac Island and will be there for 4 days. Four glorious days of 50-60 degree weather- changing leaves- no cars (no motor vehicles allowed on the island- you get there by boat) and staying in a Victorian 1882 hotel. I can't wait. It is the vacation my husband and I take alone-it is our relax time. And we need it! It has been so busy the last few months.
So- if you are anywhere from Flint Michigan on up into the UP around pictured rocks- I'll be there between Oct. 4 and 8th.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Just in the last two weeks or so- there has been a huge facebook rush. Have you noticed? All of the sudden- EVERYBODY has one. Weird. And because now that I have found everyone I ever wanted to have as a friend on facebook (now including Mark Lee ) I have done nothing but browse said facebook pages! I have neglected my blog, and my other obsession twitter
So- I apologize for the neglect. I guess you can find me here.
So- I apologize for the neglect. I guess you can find me here.
Friday, September 19, 2008
We are so busy!
I don't know about you- but it seems like we are busier than ever right now! I guess its a good thing for our children to be so involved in activities- but I sure miss my house!!
And my blog.
So I will be back soon.
And my blog.
So I will be back soon.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It was a tragedy

Driving in to school and work this morning- my daughters and I talked about what today is. We talked about what happened seven years ago today. I will never forget that day. I will never forget how I felt- the things I thought- and the things that we went through for the next three months..... the next year. It was a moment in time when we were unified by fear- by anger that we had been attacked right here on our soil. It was a horrible time- and yet it was an amazing time of unity. For a brief millasecond- it didn't matter if you were democrat or republican. We hugged each other at the supermarkets, we stood in line and talked to people we didn't know because we all had something in common. We stopped at fire stations and thanked firefighters for their service. We had ribbons tied on our car antenes- and had ribbons on our shirts. We had stickers on our cars and flags flying outside our houses. We sang the songs and prayed the prayers..... and said we would never forget. I didn't think we would ever be normal again. I think some attitudes are worse now. No- I know some are worse now. Just look at our country now. I am amazed.
Have you seen the images of what happened on tv today? Have you heard about it at all? Well- I remember. And I am proud to be an American. I am PROUD of my military. I am PROUD of my president. We have much to be thankful for.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
The best compliment ever.
Ok- the second best. The first would be someone told me that I was an amazing mother. that was the best. I love that. That is what I want to be.
The SECOND best......... three- THREE people have said I look like Sarah Palin with my glasses on today!!!! YES! I love it!
(I'll post a pick with my glasses on)
The SECOND best......... three- THREE people have said I look like Sarah Palin with my glasses on today!!!! YES! I love it!
(I'll post a pick with my glasses on)
Thursday, September 4, 2008

Last night was historic. It was brilliant. I am so proud to be an American- a Republican- and a woman. Sarah Palin gives such a spark to the Republican ticket. She is real. She is genuine. She is confident- and I am so proud of her.
I was not.... thrilled with McCain before this pick. I felt unsure- couldn't get a hold of what he said or stood for. With this choice for Vice President- I have renewed excitement for my party affiliation. I am Republican to the core- I love my country and am Patriotic to a ridiculous degree. I believe in a strong work ethic- which this country lacks greatly. I have much- because I have WORKED HARD to get it. And that is what our country stands for to me. That is what this country stands for to people all across the world who so desperately want to come here- the opportunity to work hard- and be something.
Sarah Palin has given us something to be proud of. Is not her family a symbol of what America is? A hard working family- a military son, her baby that will have some struggles in life, her teen daughter who is pregnant- but is keeping the baby and marrying the father- that is what America is. Some have tried to make a huge deal about the issue with her daughter- and it is so hypocritical. We embrace the celebs who go through this- we watch the movies that glorify it (Juno) but when its a Republican candidates daughter- 'oh the horror'- 'oh how could she'?? Please. It has happened- and I am so proud of the way they are handling it. What a statement they made in having the soon to be son-in-law up there with the family- because he is part of the family. I loved it.
Hearing John McCains story last night truly affected me. To think of what he went through- for our country- he really is an American hero. Yes- he is monotone when he speaks- he looks weird- but do we not understand why now? I don't care about that now. I understand why he is monotone- I now understand why he looks weird..... and I thank you- John McCain- for fighting for my country. Thank you for fighting for me; for MY freedoms and my rights. Yes- you are the one I want in the office of the President- you have my vote- and I am truly excited to cast that ballot!!
So- I had a very interesting oppurtunity last night. Gary Tuckman from CNN set up a panel of 7 here at my office to watch the speech and dialouge it before and after. (I work at and attend an AG church here in Northwest Florida) Of the seven- we all were Republican- 6 of us wanted Huckabee as our Presidential candidate at the start- 1 had always been for McCain (and he was a veteran) It was very interesting to hear diffrent views between Republicans- but we all ended up excited about the choice we have now. You can see our interview this Friday night from 9 to 10pm central on CNN.
God Bless America.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
My favorite season is fall. Here in Northwest Florida- we don't get much fall- which is probably why I love it. I love fall decorations, I love sweaters and pumpkins and crisp air outside. I love crunchy leaves and hot chocolate. I love fall.
My husband and I vacation in Michigan every year- so that we can have 'fall'. We love Mackinac Island- and the UP of Michigan. Just he and I (we leave the kids with grandma) and it is a glorious time.
We leave in 32 days........ and I can't wait!!!
(I took this picture last year in Rogers City, Michigan. We don't get colors like this in Florida!!)
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